Custom ASP.NET MVC Helper Extensions

As you probably are aware of, ASP.NET MVC was a divergence from the approach developers took to developing ASP.NET web forms applications. For web forms developers, any level of customizations occurred by creating custom ASP.NET server controls, inheriting from a particular base class and adding some functionality, something like:

public class SuperLabel : Label
   // Enhanced functionality

There are many benefits to doing this; you can initialize the control’s properties for your web application, or encapsulate repeatable code into a common class that’s reused throughout the application. For instance, if we know that we will always render our form labels in a specific manner, I could create a custom control to do this following:

public class FormLabel : WebControl

   protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
         writer.Write("<div>" + this.Text + "</div>");


And that way, every label is wrapped in a div with a FormLabel class. This is a simple example of standarizing your control’s output and thus your client’s markup, but you get the idea. This is also possible in ASP.NET MVC, with the help of your own helper methods.

Note that there are two kinds of helper methods in MVC: ones who return an MvcHtmlString object and render the text inline, and ones that render inside the method and are defined as @Html.DoSomething(); (with a semi-colon at the end; in VB this method can be called in a @Code block). I’m going to talk about helpers that return an MvcHtmlString in this blog post. As a simple example of a helper we may want to standardize on, we can, for instance, wrap a DIV with a special class around the Html.EditorFor helper as in the following example:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions

  public static MvcHtmlString CustomEditorFor(this HtmlHelper html, Expression<Func> expr)
     return new MvcHtmlString("<div>" + html.EditorFor(expr) + "</div>");


As you can see, we have a custom editor with a wrapper DIV around it now, which we can put in our UI by doing:

@Html.CustomEditorFor(i => i.ModelProperty)

The TModel and TProp generic references above are inferred from the current view’s model, and the property expressed in the lambda expression. If you look in other MVC helpers, they are all defined with these two generic references. The HtmlHelper class has a lot of useful features; first it has access to all the extension methods as you would use them in the UI (most defined in the System.Web.Mvc.Html namespace, but there are additional namespaces too). It also has a reference to the ViewContext and to the current model for the given view, via the HtmlHelper.ViewData.Model property (remember HtmlHelper is specific to the model, therefore it maintains an explicit, strongly-typed reference to said model).

I’ve only scratched the surface, but you can see a lot of options are available to you. For instance, if you use Twitter bootstrap, maybe you want your editor helper to look like:

 public static MvcHtmlString CustomEditorFor(this HtmlHelper html, Expression<Func> expr)

     return new MvcHtmlString(
  @"<div class=\"control-group\">" + 
        new { @class = "col-md-2 control-label" }
     ).ToHtmlString() +
     <div class=\"col-md-10\">" + 
    html.EditorFor(expr) + 


And thus, this saves you from writing a lot of HTML. In the future, I may write on some of the extensions I’ve used for twitter bootstrap to save time. I hope this is a good overview of how you can customize HTML helpers in ASP.NET MVC, which I am using this technique in a current ASP.NET MVC 5 application.

2 thoughts on “Custom ASP.NET MVC Helper Extensions

  1. Pingback: VB.NET Inline Functions in ASP.NET MVC and Razor | On All Things Web

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